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#133: Being a QA – SWOTting and slashing of Bugs

14. DECEMBER @ 19:05 //ONLINE//

One software tester went to get food
Two software testers had the feature removed
Three software testers pushed for a complete redesign
Four software testers polished the app to be divine

Tell me quanto, quanto, quanto. What does it mean to be a solo tester on a project? How about working in pairs? And for grandiose projects, let’s talk about teams of testers! SWOT analysis of QA roles with regard to their numbers.

**The talk will be held in english // Predavanje bo v angleškem jeziku.**

About the speaker:
Juran Papuga is a Software Tester at Infinum, currently spending his days under something striving to be the sun, in the head office in Zagreb, Croatia. With hundreds of dangerous insects known as bugs slain under his mighty keyboard and 2+ years working in quality assurance, he has had the good fortune of ending up in a project where testers are aplenty (and so are the slain bugs) and is here to humbly share his point of view on the subject of -quantity assurance.

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