27. 11. 2018 ob 18.05 @ KID KIBLA – RSVP na Facebooku
V 92. ediciji Spletnih uric Maribor bomo priča posebnemu dogodku – 1. React Development Meetupu v Mariboru. Začnemo pa tokrat eno uro prej – ob 18.05.
Skupina navdušencev nad Javascriptom (v vseh svojih oblikah) bo svoj prvi React dogodek predstavila s pomočjo ekipe Spletnih uric, z nami pa bodo tudi Nik, Adam in Anej, ki bodo poskrbeli za kravžljanje možganov s svojimi predstavitvami.
Zahvala gre ekipi Maribor JS meetup, Povio Labs in ostalim JS navdušencem, ki skrbijo za JS skupnost v okolici in obljubljajo še več dogodkov v prihodnosti.
Program je sledeč:
Speaker: Nik Adžič
Title: Ethereum DApp using React
A decentralised application (DApp) is an application run by many users on a decentralised network with trustless protocols. They are designed to avoid any single point of failure. Common features of DApps: Open Source, Decentralised, Incentivised, Protocol. DApps can also have front-end code and user interface written in any language or framework that makes calls to SmartContract.
About Nik: Nik is full-stack software engineer and is currently working on React, React Native and Elixir apps. In his free time, he likes to try out new technologies and developing prototypes with it.
Speakers: Anej Gorkič, Adam Giacommeli
Title: The Next(.js) Best Thing
The NextJS framework helps you to structure your React based projects by solving some of the common tasks for you.
About Adam: Adam is a full stack software engineer with experience in all areas of software, starting at the lowest level (assembler, ANSI C) through desktop applications (C++, Qt) to web development (backend & frontend) with a current focus on all areas JavaScript – NodeJS and ReactJS & ReactNative
About Anej: Anej is a web developer working mostly on frontend bringing together different media formats to your screen
Več informacij o prihajajočit dogodkih React Development ekipe najdete na: www.meetup.com/React-Development-Meetup-Slovenija/