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Spletne urice Maribor #21: Java meets PHP

Torek, 5.6.2012 ob 19.00 @ KID KIBLA

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Web Applications with Tapestry 5 and Symfony 2

Kejo and Philipp from Astina talk about how they use Tapestry 5 – a Java web framework – in concert with Symfony 2 – the rising star in the PHP world – to build scalable and highly flexible web applications.

Kejo Starosta, Senior Software Engineer
Kejo studied Applied Computer Science and Media at the Willhelm Büchner University in Darmstadt. After working five years in Germanyhe moved to Switzerland in 2009 to work at Astina as a Senior Software Engineer.

Philipp Kräutli, Partner / Developer
Philipp studied Information Systems at the University of Zurich. He founded Astina together with four fellow students back in 2005.

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